ابوالفضل العباس کیست؟ Abolfazl Al-Abbas who is?
حضرت ابوالفضل علیه السلام فرزند امام علی علیه السلام برادر ناتنی امام حسین است . اسمش عباس است اما به او ابوالفضل هم می گویند.
ابوالفضل برادرش حسین را خیلی دوست داشت و بسیار به او احترام می گذاشت.
Hazrat Abolfazl is son of Imam Ali and Imam Hussein's half-brother. His name is Abbas but Called Abolfazl too.
Abolfazl was very loved and very respected His brother Hussein.
در حادثه ی کربلا وقتی که ذخیره ی آب تمام شد و همه ی خانواده ی امام و یارانش تشنه بودند، ابوالفضل داوطلب شد تا به سمت رود علقمه که در محاصره ی دشمنان اسلام بود برود و برای آنها آب بیاورد.
In the event of Karbala when the water supply was empty and all Imam family and his companions were thirsty, Abolfazl volunteered to go to the Alqameh source that was surrounded by the enemies of Islam to go and fetch water for them.
با اینکه او تنها بود و دشمنان زیاد بودند اما بالاخره توانست خودش را به آب برساند و مشکش را پر از آب کند. چون که خودش هم تشنه بود میخواست آب بخورد اما ناگهان به یاد کودکان تشنه در خیمه ها افتاد، آب را نخورد و زود بلند شد. با دست راستش شمشیر و با دست چپش مشک را گرفت و بر پشت اسب سوار شد.
Although he was alone and had a lot of enemies, but finally managed to bring water and filled the container. Because he was thirsty would drink water, but suddenly remembered thethirsty children were in tents, so didn,t drink water and got up early. Took over with his right hand the sword and with his left hand
the water. Then rided on horseback.
وقتی میخواست به سمت خیمه های امام حسین برگردد دشمن دوباره او را محاصره کرد. او با دشمن جنگید اما تعداد آنها زیاد بود.
When he wanted to return to the tents of Imam Hussein, the enemy surrounded him again. He fought with the enemy but their number was high.
یکی از دشمنان با شمشیر دست چپ او را قطع کرد، ابوالفضل شمشیرش را انداخت و مشک آب را با دست راستش گرفت، اما دست راستش را هم با شمشیر قطع کردند. او مشک را با دندان گرفت.
One of enemies cut off his left hand with a sword, Abolfazl threw sword and took over the water with his right hand , But they cut off his right hand with a sword, He took over by the teeth.
دشمنان به سمت او تیراندازی کردند و مشک را سوراخ کردند، ابوالفضل دیگر ناامید شد، کودکان امام حسین و یارانش چند روز بود که تشنه بودند و منتظر ابوالفضل بودند تا برایشان آب بیاورد.
The enemies shoot him and made in the water hole , Abolfazl disappointed , Children of Imam Hussein and his companions were thirsty and waiting a few days that Abolfazl had to fetch water for them.
ناگهان یک تیر به چشمش زدند ، چشمش خون آلود شد، میخواست با پاهایش تیر را از چشمش بیرون بیاورد اما با نیزه ی بزرگی بر پشت سرش زدند و او با تیری که در چشمش بود از روی اسب به زمین افتاد.
Suddenly threw a bullet to his eye, the eye was covered in blood, He wanted to bring out the shot with his feet but the enemy hited with a huge spear on the back of his head and and he fell from the horse with the thierry was in his eye.
وقتی کسی از جای بلند به زمین می افتد دستهایش را سپر بدنش می کند تا کمتر آسیب ببیند اما ابوالفضل دیگر دست در بدن نداشت و یک تیر هم در چشمش بود.
When someone falls down instead of lifting, makes his hands body shield to less damaged but Abolfazl no other hand in his body and was a fire in his eye.
او تا آخرین لحظه ی زندگیش به برادرش وفادار بود و زندگیش را فدای اسلام و امامش کرد.
He was loyal to his brother until the last moment of his life and offered his life for Islam and his Imam.